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Oboe Courses 2025
dates to be announced - please register your interest below

You've found your way here. Welcome. 

Who are oboe courses for?

​Many of the adult non-professional, and student, oboe and cor anglais players I meet enjoy rehearsing and performing in leisure music groups. Being oboe players, these are often orchestras. Over the years I've worked with amateur and youth orchestras (including the National Children's Orchestras of Great Britain) as a guest Sectional leader, helping Woodwind players find their way round scores in greater detail than they can in a full orchestra rehearsal. This involves me supporting the development of personal navigation tools and techniques that are still effective when the full orchestra is at work.

My one day course can

Transform your enjoyment and skill

Which other instrument will it be helpful to listen to?

Why is one chord falling naturally in tune and the adjacent one not?

I'm never sure where to come in here, so I feel under confident.

Sometimes my notes don't speak. I'm not sure why.

Why does the balance seem wrong in this passage?

I've practised this 'til the cows come home. Why can't I play it so well in rehearsal?

I'm playing softly but the conductor thinks I'm too loud.

I can't hear my section colleague at the far end of the line.

And I'm feeling a bit (or a lot) stressed about the concert....

If these issues sound familiar, do please read on.

My courses are for you.

Whatever motivates you, and however much time you don't or do have to play. 


I can help oboe and cor anglais players, individuals and orchestra sections.

A space that's designed for the needs of oboe and cor anglais players.

An understanding and safe place to try things out.

Find solutions that work.

Trying and failing is celebrated for itself.

Where overcoming a challenge leads to streamers, smiles, a dancing troupe and, quite possibly,

break time cake.


Well, maybe not the dancing troupe.

You can join up as an existing orchestra section, as an existing or new duo (mixed woodwind duos welcome), or as an individual. If you want to take part in a duo or trio course as an individual, you are most welcome. I will do my best to match you with like minded, friendly people. 

​Please register your interest or enquire here:

Hello there. Register your interest here.

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